Business, Communications & Liberal Arts

French Riviera, France
Business, Communications & Liberal Arts

About the Program

Choose from a wide range of business, communications, and liberal arts elective courses that offer an international perspective. Take advantage of SKEMA’s unique setting in a research and technology park (a.k.a. Europe's own "Silicon Valley") to develop the skills you need to thrive in today’s global economy. Business, communications, and liberal arts classes are taught in English, while instruction is available in multiple languages; this program has no language requirement, so you can truly build a curriculum to meet your needs. You'll attend class alongside local and other international students for an integrated experience in an innovative setting.




French Riviera


early Sep 2025 - mid Dec 2025




12 - 16


Apply By:


Withdraw By:



Program Participation Agreement
Transcript - Official
$95 Online Application Fee
Complete Application


Course Prerequisites:

Some courses may have prerequisites.



Foreign Language Proficiency:

All Levels


High School Graduate

Get a Flight Credit worth up to $350 when you apply with code* by May 6, 2025

Where You'll Study

SKEMA Business School

SKEMA (School of Knowledge and Management.) is one of Europe’s most respected schools of business and management and offers a range of undergraduate and master’s level degrees. CEA CAPA st...

Student Offices
Student Offices
Clubs & Organizations
Clubs & Organizations
Student Center
Student Center
Student Lounge
Student Lounge


Program Structure & Courses

Choose from a wide range of courses to earn up to 16 credits (up to 240 contact hours). Courses each meet for 15-90 contact hours/1-6 credits. Classes meet Monday-Friday.

Before you leave for France, you'll pre-select courses directly through a SKEMA online course registration form. You’ll receive your class schedule during on-site orientation; you may make changes during a two-week add/drop period. If you're taking a French language course, you'll take a language placement exam on-site. SKEMA reserves the right to make changes to course lists, course times and pre-selected courses right until the start of the semester.

It is in your best interest to have multiple alternative courses approved by your home university prior to your departure due to course availabilities. Please consult with your academic advisor at your home university on credit pre-approval guidelines.

All Levels Course Structure


The host institution has offered the following courses in the past. Please note that course listings will not be finalized until the start of the term.

*Courses with an asterisk indicate that the course has been associated with multiple subject areas.
Please click on the course title to view additional subject areas and detailed course information.

Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
BUS 2201 Financial Accounting * 300 En 45 3
BUS 2202 Managerial Accounting * 300 En 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
BUS 2301 Macroeconomics * 200 En 45 3
BUS 2302 Microeconomics * 200 En 45 3
BUS 3402 Financial Markets and Institutions * 400 En 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
BUS 3401 Financial Analysis & Decision Making * 300 En 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
BUS 3703 Business Law * 300 En 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
BUS 3501 Principles of Modern Management * 400 En 45 3
BUS 3503 Human Resource Management * 400 En 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
BUS 3601 Marketing Principles * 400 En 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
LNG 1700 Beginner Chinese 100 Ch 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
ENG 1001 Academic Research and Writing I 200 En 45 3
ENG 1002 Academic Research and Writing II 200 En 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
LNG 1902 Intermediate French 200 Fr 45 3
LNG 1903 Advanced French 300 Fr 45 3
LNG 1904 Elementary French I 100 Fr 48 3
LNG 1908 Elementary French II 100 Fr 48 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
POS 2001 Intro to International Relations 300 En 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
LNG 1103 Beginner Portuguese 100 Pt 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
LNG 1101 Beginner Russian 100 Ru 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
SOC 2001 Introduction to Sociology 300 En 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
LNG 1301 Beginner Spanish 100 Sp 45 3
LNG 2130 Intermediate Spanish 200 Sp 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
EDS 1039 Survey of Science - Oceanography 100 En 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
CHM 1101 General Chemistry I 200 En 60 4
CHM 1111 General Chemistry Lab I 100 En 15 1
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
EVM 3030 Technology Management & Life Cycle 300 En 45 3
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
MTH 1001 Calculus I 200 En 60 4
MTH 1002 Calculus II 200 En 60 4
MTH 1702 Business and Economics Calculus 200 En 45 3
MTH 2001 Calculus III 400 En 60 4
Course Name Level Lang Hours Credits
PHY 2001 Physics I 300 En 60 4
PHY 2091 Physics Lab I 200 En 15 1

Interested in taking your career to the next level?

Where You'll Stay

*Housing options may change and will be confirmed on the housing application form prior to the start of the term. Below are the housing options that have been offered in the past.


Get out and explore! Excursions are offered for most semester, year, and summer programs. Semester students are typically offered between two to three excursions and summer study students are typically offered between one to two excursions. You'll receive a calendar of excursions during orientation; here are a few day and overnight excursions we've offered in the past.

What's Included in your Program

From housing to excursions, our programs include a variety of inclusions to enhance your study abroad experience! Here are examples that may be available in French Riviera. Inclusions vary by program – please contact our Enrollment and Advising team to find out what options are available for you.

  • Personalized Pre-Departure Advising
  • Visa & Immigration Advising
  • Financial Advising
  • Tuition and Registration
  • Airport Pick-up
  • Onsite Orientation
  • City Tour
  • Onsite Staff Support
  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance
  • Travel Medical Insurance
  • International Emergency Service Support
  • Welcome & Farewell Events
  • Centrally Located Housing
  • Wellness Activities
  • Cultural Engagement
  • Language Exchanges
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Excursions
  • Student Clubs & Organizations
  • Host Institution Services & Amenities
  • Career & Re-entry Workshop
  • Official Transcript(s)

Sample Calendar

The calendar for this program is coming soon; please check back later.

Sample Budget

This budget contains costs that you can take to your financial aid office. Please note that amounts may fluctuate; we've included a range of costs.

Federal law allows the use of financial aid to cover "reasonable" costs of study abroad including round-trip transportation, tuition and fees for the program, living costs, passport and visa fees, health insurance, and more.

Please note that all costs and charges listed below are subject to change without notice. With the exception of Program Price, all costs are estimates and may vary.

Description Low-Cost High-Cost
Program Fee
Tuition and fees, registration, orientation, airport pickup, welcome and farewell receptions, housing, official transcript, cultural excursions/activities, student support services, CEA On-site Staff and administrative costs.
International Airfare & Transfers
Cost varies depending on time of purchase, point of origin and time of travel.
Immigration Requirements
Includes passport and additional requirements such as visa, entry and exit fees, French Carte de Séjour, French University Administrative Fee (if applicable), or Italian Permesso di Soggiorno.
Books, Materials and Supplies
Includes books, school supplies, art supplies, and course fees. Does not include fees or supplies for optional courses. This cost varies depending on the course choices of the student.
Includes the average expected cost for meals in housing option without a meal plan, such as daily groceries and eating out at restaurants. 
Personal Expenses
Includes telephone, laundry, local transportation, personal necessities and upfront payments for potential doctor visits. Please note, certain locations may require deposits to secure spots in CEA organized activities and excursions (deposits are returned at the end of the program if student attends activities/excursions or cancels participation before set deadlines). Some of these costs vary according to the spending habits of the student.
Travel Expenses
Includes additional travel outside of CEA excursions. This cost varies according to the spending habits of the student.
TOTAL EXPENSES $24,840 $32,010